Schwabe Bryorheum Drops is indicated for the relief of muscular/articular rheumatism and rheumatic disorders such as Redness, Stiffness, Swelling of the joints, pain in muscles and joints, Pains, and discomfort increases in cold and damp weather.
Bryonia Alba 2x 10.0; Rhus Tox 4x 10.0; Dulcamara 1×10.0; Phytolacca Dec 1x 10.0 ; Gnaphalium P 1×10.0 Excipients Q S To 100.0 Alcohol 57.0 V/V.
Buy Phytolacca Berry Schwabe Online
Mode of Action of individual ingredients in Schwabe Bryorheum Drop
Bryonia alba: Rheumatic pains & swellings, dropsical effusions into synovial and serous membranes
Rhus tox: Affects fibrous tissue markedly-joints, tendons, etc. and indicated in pain and stiffness
Dulcamara: Rheumatic troubles induced by damp and cold weather
Gnaphallium: Pains associated with numbness, sciatica, rheumatism in ankles, joints and legs.
Phytolacca decandra: Chronic rheumatism, neuralgia.
Dosage: 10 drops of Schwabe Bryorheum Drop to be taken 3 to 4 times per day, before meals.
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