R11 Homeopathic Medicine 22ML


For Joint pains, Back Pain, Sprains, Muscular Stiffness, Nerve pains

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R11 Homeopathic Medicine Indications: Acute and chronic myalgia, lumbago, rheumatic diathesis aftereffects of drenchings, sprains, overstraining. Back pains of unknown genesis. Growing pains in muscles and bones.


Berberis: Acute and undetermined pains in the loins. Acid urine, gravel.

Calcium phosphoricum: Weakness and muscles of neck and along spine, deformed bones. Rheumatic diathesis, worse in damp weather. Acts on the constitution.

Causticum Hahnemanni: Pains in the loins, especially when trying to get up. Painful rigidity of the neck and dorsal muscles. Neuralgic pains. Painful, rigid, di.storted and weak articulations.

Rhododendron: Rheumatism especially of the small joints. Aggravation of symptoms before thunder storms, rain and storm.

Rhus toxicodendron: Dislocation of limbs, feels as if crushed, consequences of drenching or suppressed sweating. Symptoms grow worse at night and when resting. Better by motion, by heat. Neuralgic rheumatism of limbs and articulations, weakness and rigidity, shivering in sacral region. The pains grow worse with change of weather and in damp cold weather. Improving by warmth. Rheumatic-gouty diathesis often caused by sitting on cold seat.

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– In acute pains (lumbago, sciatica), every 1/2 – 1-2 hours 10 drops in some water. Improvement generally sets in after 1-2 days. Then take 10 drops every 1-2 hours and until complete recovery 3 times daily 10-15 drops for some time, in order to prevent a relaps.

– In chronic muscular and articular rheumatism, spondylo arthritis and spondylosis, 2-3 times a day 10-15 drops in some water until improvement. Then 10-15 drops, 1-2 day for a longer period of time.


– In acute rheumatic polyarthritis, use R1 and R6. In prolapse of intervertebral discs followed by sciatica, etc. administer R71 rather frequently and in alteration.

– In intercostal neuralgia: additional R69. Sacral back pain in woman resulting from pelvic diseases: R50.

– In osteo-arthritis: additionally R73. In acute rheumatism of joints: see R1 and R24.

– Rheumatism of shoulders, arm and hands: see R46.

– If the disorder is accompanied by osteoporosis, the additional administration of R34 is recommended.

– In all forms of rheumatism R61 (Rheumatic ointment) and Atomare-Beckeron R30 have proved themselves to be successful.

Info for Registered practitioners only.

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