HR 51 Dr Masood


HR 51 is effective in female sexual weakness.

برائے اصلاح زنانہ ہارمونز کے لیے موثر

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HR 51 Dr Masood is effective in female sexual weakness.

Indicated in frigidity and debility of body.
Effective in menstrual problems.
Used for uterine cyst and pimples due to hormonal insufficiency.
Also improves digestion and pancreatic functions.
Presentation: Bottle of 20 ml.


The most important hormones made by the ovaries are known as female sex hormones (sex steroids) – and the two main ones are estrogen and progesterone. The ovaries also produce some of the male hormone, testosterone.

During puberty, estrogen stimulates breast development and causes the vagina, uterus (womb) and Fallopian tubes (that carry eggs to the womb) to mature.

From puberty onwards, LH, FSH, estrogen and progesterone all play a vital part in regulating a woman’s menstrual cycle, which results in her periods.

Each individual hormone follows its own pattern, rising and falling at different stages in the cycle, but together they produce a predictable chain of events.

One egg (out of several hundred thousand in each ovary) becomes ‘ripe’ (mature) and is released from the ovary to begin its journey down the Fallopian tube and into the womb.

If that egg isn’t fertilized, the levels of estrogen and progesterone produced by the ovary begin to fall. Without the supporting action of these hormones, the lining of the womb, which is full of blood, is shed, resulting in a period.

HR 51 Dr Masood Indications:

Masood’s HR 51 is a female hormonal balancing product. It replenishes the female endocrine system. Masood’s HR 51 helps to regulate and maintain the female body system specific to reproduction and femininity. It helps to normalize the menstrual cycle by balancing the female reproductive hormones and strengthening the ovaries and uterus. Masood’s HR 51 will help in normal vaginal flow, ease the symptoms of PMS and minimize the menopausal symptoms.


Masood’s HR 51 is a female hormonal balancing product. It replenishes the female endocrine system. Masood’s HR 51 helps to regulate and maintain the female body system specific to reproduction and femininity. It helps you to achieve maximum feminine results.

It acts upon female glands and alleviate many problems caused by hormonal imbalance like overweight, irregular and painful menses. It will help in normal vaginal flow, ease the symptoms of Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) and minimize the menopausal symptoms.

It acts as Progesterone Receptor Antagonists and may be used to treat endometriosis and uterine fibroids. Gently cleanses the endocrine system, helping your system clear toxins that block hormone balance.

It acts as Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs) save women from postmenopausal problems like osteoporosis and breast cancer risk etc. Maintains healthy emotional balance & Normal Menstrual Cycles.

HR 51 Dr Masood Formula:

Each 1ml contains

Hypophysine 6DH 15% v/v
Ovarinum 6DH 20% v/v
Pancreatinum 6DH 20% v/v
Supra Renal 6DH 15% v/v
Thymus Vulg 3DH 15% v/v
Thyroidinum 12DH 15% v/v
With excipients q.s.

Formula with properties:

Hypophysine 6DH: menstruation complaints and its associated symptoms in females.

Ovarinum 6DH: Climacteric disturbances generally. Ovarian cysts. Cutaneous disorders and acne rosacea. Prurigo.

Pancreatinum 6DH: good for stomachache and its associated symptoms.

Supra Renal 6DH: improves functions of endocrine glands.

Thymus Vulg 3DH: acts on uterus and improves its function.

Thyroidinum 12 DH: best remedy for controlling human metabolism.

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