Dr.Reckeweg R3 drops is a German Homeopathic solution for treat different manifestations of coronary illness. It essentially builds the strong strength of the heart and is all around demonstrated for heart shortcoming, with a propensity towards expanding (edema) because of contaminations. Other cardiovascular issues like degeneration of the heart tissues prompting powerless heart dividers (myocardium), assaults (cardia infraction), disease of the internal coating of the heart (endocarditis), low muscle tone impervious to extend (hypotonia). R3 is additionally shown for clumps in the heart’s veins (coronary sclerosis), heart aggravations because of the flawed stomach-related framework (gastro-cardiovascular disorder).
Clinical Indications of R3 Drops
R3 is indicated for symptoms of heart disease like heart insufficiencies of light to a medium degree, Myocardial weakness in case of valvular heart diseases, degenerative processes of the myocardium, Angina pectoris, Cardiac decompensation, Cardiac arrhythmia, Coronary insufficiency, Endocarditis, Gastro-cardiac syndrome, Myocardial insufficiency, Myocarditis.
Composition of R3 Drops
R3 heart drops contains following homeopathic ingredients to treat various symptoms of heart disease; Cactus D2, Crataegus Q, Digitalis D3, Kalium Carbon D3, Kalmia D3, Phosphorus D5, Scilla D2, Spigelia D3, Strophanthus D3, Arsenic Alb D5.
Increases muscular strength of the heart, caused by the following group.
Cactus: Oppression with symptoms of angina pectoris. Strong pulse, suffocation.
Crataegus: Myodegeneratio cordis with cardiac weakness; enfeeblement of the heart during infectious diseases. Painful spasms; hypotension; tendency towards decompensation; functional irregularities.
Heart failure with cardiac dilatation.
Kalium carbonicum: Weakness of the heart and the cardiovascular system in endo-myocarditis. Sharp pain in the heart.
Kalmia: Pains extending down the left arm. Chronic heart weakness with difficult breathing. Acute and chronic endocarditis, following gout and rheumatism.
Phosphorus: Heart palpitations mainly when resting on the left side, afflux of blood to the chest and suffocation, anguish. General nervous exhaustion and hypersensitivity.
Scilla: Insufficiency of the cardiovascular system with dysrhythmia. Decompensation phenomenon.
Spigelia: Strong and abnormal palpitation, low pulse, endo-myocarditis.
Strophanthus: Fast-acting heart tonic.
According to the weakness of the heart, 3 times daily 10 to 20 to3 0 drops of Dr.Reckeweg R 3 drops in some water, in the beginning of the treatment even 4 to 6 times daily.