Schwabe Pentarkan Ptk 23 Carduus marianus


یرقان، ہپاٹئٹس بی، سی اور امراض جگر کے لئے

Traditionally used to accompany individual treatment of chronic liver disease.


یرقان، ہپاٹئٹس بی، سی اور امراض جگر کے لئے

Schwabe Pentarkan® Ptk. 23 Carduus marianus
Ptk. 23 Carduus marianus Composition:
100 g contain: Acidum hydrofluoricum 5X 10 g; Aurum chloratum 4X 10 g; Carduus marianus Ø 30 g; Quassia amara Ø 10 g; Excipients Q.S. to 100 g. Ethanol 46 % (V/V).

Ptk. 23 Carduus marianus Indications:
Traditionally used to accompany individual treatment of chronic liver disease.

Ptk. 23 Carduus marianus Recommended Dosage:
10-15 Drops in a sip of water, 3 times a day

Ptk. 23 Carduus marianus Pack size:
20 ml

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