BM 253 Calcarea Phos Compound


BM 253 Calcarea Phos Compound, Help support to assist for easy child birth

Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Calc fluor D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Calc phos D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Ferr phos D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Kali mur D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Kali phos D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Mag phos D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Nat mur D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS).


BM 253 Calcarea Phos Compound, Help support to assist for easy child birth

Active ingredients (Ref. standard): Calc fluor D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Calc phos D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Ferr phos D10+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Kali mur D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Kali phos D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS),
Mag phos D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS), Nat mur D6+60C 0.10mL each (HPUS).

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